KMM have various activities which are largely contributing towards the development of the society directly or indirectly.
KMM EDU care:
KMM edu care centres provide proper and systematic tuitions for various subjects taught in the school to the under privileged students. They cannot afford any free tuition in any private tuition. In some of our Edu-care centre the classes are held during the morning time before the kids go to the school and in the other centres the classes are held in the afternoon/evening time, i.e. after their school hours. The kids are given value-based education. Both ther curricular and co-curricular activities are taken care. They also learn and know about the Observation of various special days and weeks, Preservation and conservation of the environment through plantations of trees, awareness campaigns, etc. KMM train the teachers through imparting knowledge, TOT (training of teachers), Practical skill of teaching, Workshops, etc. These centres offer a much-needed supplement to the village school system.

Skill Training:
KMM is also involved in various skill trainings like imparting courses in Soft Skill on Computers, Mushroom Cultivation and training, PBSSD. All these training and activities will enhance the developments of the under privileged children and youths. These various skills-based training will help them in getting recruitment in various field, may help them in establishing business and contributing towards augmentation in their income and raising the standard of living.

Computer Skill

T - Shirt Making Machine

Mushroom Culture
Community Care:
It’s one of our first and foremost responsibility to take proper care of our community where we live in. Unless our community get develop our state or country cannot develop. KMM India cares for the community by Self Help Group, Relief Work, pioneer Training, etc. In the Rural areas people want to be trained so that they can provide certain help for the development of the community in the field of health and hygiene, environments, education, motivating and encouraging people in various field in the villages. These people who has burden to help others in the community developments and take care of the community as well as train others to create more self-help group. Here in KMM community we call the self-help group leaders and the community leaders as KMM pioneers. They carry on the daunting task of pioneering in the fields as Community care giver. They also help the community during the natural disasters, calamities etc. by help than in relief work in various affected areas. Through those pioneers more people are motivated and get encouraged to take care of the community.

India with variety of culture, languages, costumes, food habits, is a huge country. In this vast country all the people don’t speak same languages. To educate themselves and gain knowledge in various aspects they need provisions in their own language. But they are not eligible to speak, read in every language. To make their work easier KMM translates English Books into Bengali languages. KMM also translate comic book into various vernaculars language for the recreational purpose.

JMPB Translation Book